They sound like the long lost love children of The Shangri-Las and The Jesus and Mary Chain as produced by Phil Spector. Further aural D.N.A. analysis reveals genetic traces of The Killers, My Bloody Valentine, Arcade Fire, The Ramones, Joy Division, Julie Cruise, and Interpol for good measure. Here's how they describe themselves:
Bold & confident, under a ravishing, yet ominous air of noir – Glasvegas, a Scottish rock n roll four piece, unleash their sweet surf/punk melodies. Hanging out in Glasgow's notorious East End, the gang are all 50's style cool with flicks and turned up jeans. Waves of warm fuzzy distortion washed with tremolo guitar sounds, paint a monochrome for songs of cruel brutality, tragic abandonment and love-less love.
Now that's my kind of fun.

Geraldine and Flowers and Football Tops Play these videos with the volume turned up and I dare you not to sway and get a chill or two running up and down your spine. Their official website.

The Jesus and Mary Chain circa 1985. Nice hair:

The Shangri-Las The 60's girl group sited as major influences by both Deborah Harry and Morrissey:

My Bloody Valentine The distortion will make your eardrums bleed (in a good way):

Arcade Fire I LOVE this song which was featured on the late great Six Feet Under:


  1. Unknown // January 26, 2009 at 3:32 PM

    Oh that was so dope. Thanks for posting this. I'm definitely going to look them up on iTunes! (I want to start an all girl group now)

  2. joe*to*hell // January 26, 2009 at 10:29 PM

    comeon! we need free downloads! hop to it

  3. Anonymous // February 6, 2009 at 11:03 PM

    I can't stop listening to this album. Lonesome Swan kills me every time I play it. Thanks for the recommendation!