If you've never seen these exotic bromeliads in person, stop by the studio and check them out. I designed my ceramics specifically to hold these low-maintenance beauties which require no soil, moderate light, and minimal water (just a good soak once a week). Their graphic, alien silhouettes really pop against the high gloss curves of my pots and provide a perfect organic counterpoint to the most minimalist of interiors. Plus, they have really cool sounding names. Let's meet them, shall we?

Victoriana: the spiky leaves flow up then cascade down the sides kind of like my hair used to in the 80's. That phallic protuberance in the center is the bud about to flower.

Juncea: (left) tall and grassy blades will yeild a tall pink spike with purple blooms if you treat her right. Caput Medusae: (right) velvety green tentacles undulate seductively and will give birth to tall red spikes with purple flowers. (They remind me of the mean Puerto Rican cashier's glamour length nails at the old Gristede's supermarket in the East Village.)

Ionantha: this voluptuous beauty turns pink before it blooms, which is appropriate since it's nestled in one of the most unintentionally suggestive pots I've ever made. Think Georgia O'Keeffe meets Eva Zeisel, with a dollop of vintage Britney thrown in.

P.S. I love the selection at Air Plant Supply Co. They have a beautifully designed website, a great logo (very important), and friendly customer service. Tell them the Rural Modernist sent you.

Rural Modernist Studio
3780 Main Street (rear cottage)
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
Open weekends from 1-4 pm or by appointment

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  1. Karen/Small Earth Vintage // August 16, 2010 at 11:12 AM

    I think I need a Caput Medusae for my Rural Modernist Original!

    I just love that there are plants that require no dirt.